Cowal Open Studios membership 2025

26th, 27th, 28th, 29th September

Every year artists & makers who live & work in Cowal are invited to make themselves & their work available for visitors to enjoy. This is primarily individual artists in their own studios but can also include groups of artists gathering together in one venue. Forms must be returned and payment made / agreed by Friday 14th MARCH 2025 at the latest.

For any new artists, COS professional and semi-professional artists are defined as those who have received a professional training and/or sell or have sold their work, or perform for professional fees. New artists can also be nominated by full members in which case they do not need to fulfil this criteria.

There are several types of membership available:-


This is available for professional & semi professional artists. Please note that you may be entitled to a discount of £20 if you successfully nominate a new member.

  1. NEW MEMBERSHIP £95 per artist

This is for applicants who are applying for the first time to join COS. This includes nominated artists – please see accompanying letter .


This is for emerging young artists aged 16- 25 living in Cowal. Their work will be evaluated by COS committee.


All above members will benefit from):-


Participation in COS weekend


Full entry on COS website


Full entry in COS brochure/map


Chance to exhibit & participate in COS exhibitions & sales opportunities


Promotion & marketing


Vote at AGM


  1. SHARED MEMBERSIP £90 per artist

This is for a maximum of two artist sharing a studio/venue. These artists will benefit from:


Participation in COS weekend


One shared entry on COS website


One shared entry in COS brochure/map


Chance to exhibit & participate in COS exhibitions & sales opportunities


Promotion  & marketing


Vote at AGM



This is for organised art groups that could include arts, crafts & photography & can include non professional artists. This enables artists to:-


Participate in COS weekend in one venue


One entry on COS website


One entry in COS brochure/map



This is for Artist & others who want to support COS & stay in touch




Type of membership



Address of Open Studio

Art Genre

Contact details:-



If applicable:-

Name of nominator artist

Name of nominee

Do you want to take part in the Barony Exhibition?


Please note:

  • By completing this form and making payment you are agreeing to the use and storage of your personal data in line with COS’s policy on General Data Protection Regulation – details on website
  • You are agreeing to provide information for the COS website, brochure and social media by any deadlines given.
  • You are agreeing to collect information on COS visitors / sales and return this as requested following the COS weekend.
  • Once paid, the subscription is non-refundable.
  • You will be responsible for public liability / any other insurance required for the event.
  • Individual artists will be responsible for ensuring all visitors have safe use of the premises.
  • You are agreeing to distribute a minimum amount of leaflets to agreed locations.


How to pay:

Bank transfer.

  • Please identify yourself by your name (not COS) in the reference box, so we know who the payment is from.
  • COS bank details – Royal Bank Scotland, sort code 83-18-17, account no 00676215




  • Please make payable to Cowal Open Studios.
  • Post to Tony Hill, 126 Auchamore Road, Dunoon PA23 7JJ


If any members have difficulties in making their full payment by the deadline, please contact Tony in strict confidence so that he can try to put in place an individual arrangement.

Tony –

How to return this form:

  • Complete this form on your computer and email it as an attachment to
  • Print the form out to complete it and post it to

Tony Hill, 126 Auchamore Road, Dunoon, PA23 7JJ